V2 Skin Booster

As you age, it’s only natural for your skin to not look as bright and smooth as it once did, especially when it’s also exposed to stress and other environmental factors. V2 Skin Booster treatments are a revolutionary new way to reverse these effects, restoring a healthier, more youthful complexion.

Using micro-needling injections, key nutrients and advanced cosmeceuticals are delivered into the deeper layers of the skin, increasing hydration levels as well as the elasticity of the dermis. The injections are not only made up of antioxidants, vitamins and amino acids but active ingredients that stimulate collagen production too.

V2 Skin Booster Treatments Explained

Once it has been determined that you are an ideal candidate for this procedure, your skin will be prepped for treatment, which includes applying a numbing cream.

The V2 Skin Booster device is an injector gun that will deliver an advanced combination of essential ingredients into your skin in as little as 30 minutes. Once the ingredients have been injected, collagen production increases and dermal remodelling processes are activated. The hydration molecules will help increase the skin’s moisture levels, which will have a plumping effect and reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles. The skin will also have a natural glow after the treatment is complete.

Because the injector gun works with a multi-needle head and has a suction function, it’s able to deliver the ingredients more accurately, resulting in a faster, more comfortable treatment.

Most patients will require at least three treatments spaced four weeks apart to achieve the best results. However, a number of factors such as the areas that need to be treated and the condition of the skin will need to be taken into account when your Academy Face and Body clinician creates your personalised treatment plan.

Unfortunately, this treatment is not ideal for pregnant or breastfeeding women as well as anyone with an active infection in the area that will be treated.

Since this is a non-surgical treatment, patients are free to return to their normal activities after their appointment. The effects of the treatment will be immediately visible and your skin will continue to improve in between each session.

V2 Skin Booster Benefits

Some of the ways that you will benefit from V2 Skin Booster treatments include:

  • Lines and wrinkles will be noticeably reduced
  • Your skin will be more hydrated and have a natural, youthful glow
  • Collagen production will increase and the dermis will thicken
  • Your skin will be more supple and feel softer too

Contact Us

No referral is required for a consultation with Dr Oates or any of our Doctors.If you are not ready for a consultation with a Doctor a complimentary consultation can be made with our Registered Nurses or Dermal Therapy team to discuss your surgical and non-surgical options to treat your concerns.

Dr Oates and his team of medical professionals have been providing cosmetic surgery in Perth for over 20 years and looking forward to assisting you.

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